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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Gospel music grows internationally

I was browsing various Gospel sites and I came across this on Gospelflava.
"Gospel music is experiencing great growth internationally. Evidence comes from the Dec 1, 2006 concert in Lagos, Nigeria, in which 85,000 people turned out to hear Kirk Franklin, Israel& New Breed, Donnie McClurkin, Lionel Peterson, Mighty Samba and others."
Yeah, I'm from Lagos, Nigeria and that concert was the coolest. Guess what? I didn't get to go which is very sad because Donnie happens to
be my all-time favorite singer but lots of my friends went and from what I heard, they had a wonderful time. Sign me up for the next
gospel concert that's gonna be held in Lagos. I was really happy because a lot of young people from my school went and it is a great
opportunity to minister the gospel to young people in song. Most young people like music and so they are easier to reach that way. Donnie, Kirk and all you gospel artists, keep doing your thing.


posted by Pearlie @ 5:19 PM  
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